The Music Business Internship: Why Get One? Where to Locate It? How to Obtain It? What is Available?

“Suggestions and valuable information on why and how to locate and obtain
a music business internship. Resources provided will assist in obtaining an
internship of interest to Generation Next students completing
college degrees in music business.”

Dr. Fred Kersten


CMS-NAMM: 2015 Generation Next
Anaheim, California
January 22-25, 2015





Finding a music business internship is one of the most important aspects for an aspiring music business professional.  Experiencing the real world of business and developing an overview perception of possible future involvement is vital to gain awareness of possibilities for the future. Future employers can see the prospective employee in action through the internship and this is very valuable in developing references, connections, and contact individuals for future employment.

During this session locating and obtaining an entry-level music business internship will be discussed. Of vast importance, consideration of where to look, how to make an impression, who to talk to, how to get to the hiring agents, what can you expect for salary,  and how to plan upward direction from this internship will be examined.  

An important focus of this session will be practical hands on suggestions and resources for internship location.  An extensive list of possibilities and how to locate customized individual opportunities will be examined. The NAMM Internship Program, Warner Music College Marketing Representatives organization, and InternMatch, among many others will be scrutinized.   An attractive and valuable  resource  booklet will be provided listing current  resources that will be helpful in locating and obtaining ban internship.  A specific website will be developed for the presentation and updated after the presentation for students to access  additional information.


Fred is intensely interested in music industry education programs and format. Dr. Fred Kersten's  job application and e-Portfolio research has been featured by NAMM in 2014, NAfME, ATMI, TI:ME,  and TMEA.   He is a certified Superintendent of Schools/Chief School Officer in New York State. He holds five degrees in Music and Music Education and has over ten years of experience in working with music education student teaching internships at the public school and college levels. A successful veteran of teaching in the public schools, Kersten is a technology specialist with strong interest in  online job application presence and image. Presently he is an online graduate  music facilitator for Boston University and has worked in this capacity for the past six years.

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