Scottish National Standards for Community Engagement

The 10 Standards are:
1. The Involvement Standard
We will identify and involve the people and organizations with an interest in the focus of the engagement.

2. The Support Standard

We will identify and overcome any barriers to involvement.

3. The Planning Standard

We will gather evidence of the needs and available resources and use this to agree the purpose, scope and timescale of the engagement and the actions to be taken.

4. The Methods Standard

We will agree the use methods of engagement that are fit for purpose.

5. The Working Together Standard

We will agree and use clear procedures to enable the participants to work with one another efficiently and effectively.

6. The Sharing Information Standard

We will ensure necessary information is communicated between the participants.

7. The Working With Others Standard

We will work effectively with others with an interest in the engagement.

8. The Improvement Standard

We will develop actively the skills, knowledge and confidence of all the participants.

9. The Feedback Standard

We will feedback the results of the engagement to the wider community and agencies affected.

10. The Monitoring and Evaluation Standard

We will monitor and evaluate whether the engagement meets its purposes and the national standards for community engagement.

*Alternate Structure for Engagement/Communications/Advocacy

*TMEA Advocacy Structure-with specifics